Ideation and prioritisation

Shi Wah Tse
2 min readNov 10, 2022

After defining the customer pain points and opportunity areas, we would take that into ideation and everyone who is interested in the team would contribute their ideas.

Running through our defined opportunity areas and pain points
Some creative games before we begin!

After the initial warm up creative games, I find a UX template for the ideas useful as it grounds it to what the business and customer problem we are solving and how we would define success.

One of my ideas. I like this template as it asks the important questions and grounds the idea.
Another idea I came up with that we tech spiked through an internal hackathon

After gathering everyone’s ideas on the UX board, sometimes we would pitch it, sometimes it would just be quiet time while everyone reads through the boards and asks any questions.

There are different ways to prioritise ideas, one way was to get 2 people from each area: strategic alignment (two stakeholders), viability (PMs or POs), desirability (other UX or service designers besides ourselves) and tech feasibility (Developer/Tech lead).

They would each score out of 5 each idea on a criteria, and we set the criteria for each score as we found it can be subjective otherwise.

Other prioritisation methods we use is RICE or value vs effort.

Usually struggle with the ‘confidence’ scores as it can get subjective

After prioritising, we have a backlog of ideas that I can start to pick up and run experiments on:



Shi Wah Tse

Sydney based UX Designer who plays with code. I crack open ideas as a living!